how do you remove exterior door handle

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how do you remove exterior door handle

Postby karllap » Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:55 pm

I have an issue where the drivers door on my megane III intermittently won't lock or won't unlock.
I have stripped the interior door panel down and I can feel that the wires and plug that go into the lock mechanism are wet and the cables look like they could be corroding. Problem is I can't get the mechanism out due it being connected to the dorr handle.

So, anyone got any idea's how to remove the exterior door handle?


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Re: how do you remove exterior door handle

Postby maxgough » Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:38 am

on the edge of the door,remove the bung.make up a hook I used a wire coat hanger.look in the hole you will see a black lever,use the hook to pull it towards you,don't worry about it falling down it won't it's fixed.when you have moved it toward you,you will be able to remove the lock barrel or as mine is a keyless car remove the cover,just pull to remove pull the handle out and unhook the hinge end,to remove the handle you will have to unplug the wiring from inside the door.

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