cluch change

Discussions on the Megane II sedan

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cluch change

Postby dumperman » Thu Jul 12, 2018 6:08 pm

hi my renault megane 2 expression 1.9 diesel ,clutch pedel went to the floor, recovered to a garage cluth master cylinder u/s garage say it wants replacing and at the same time the flywheel and clutch must also be replaced , is this true , cost of this including parts £ 955, dont understand why flywhheel and clutch need to be replaced un less they are contaminated, any help or info much appreciated,

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Re: cluch change

Postby joe12 » Mon Jul 30, 2018 10:52 pm

If it is the master cylinder that has failed there is no reason to go anywhere near the clutch as this lives at the top of the clutch pedal.

If the garage is talking about replacing the full clutch I think it may be the concentric slave cylinder (CSC) that has failed.

The CSC is fitted in place of the thrust bearing and presses the pressure plate, take a look at the video below as it explains it better than I can do with words.

The gearbox has to be removed to fit a new CSC so they are probably considering the mileage the current clutch has covered and the possibility of fluid contamination so advising fitting the whole lot.

Almost all garages will want to fit a full kit as it's more or less the same labour charge and if they only fit a new CSC they won't be able to give any guarantee as it's being fitted to a worn clutch system.


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